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How to choose a mattress

Published: 01/07/2020 Times Read: 18496

Repair, relocation or planned bed improvements are difficult to imagine without buying a new mattress. For the process to take minimum time and effort, the choice of a mattress for a bed needs to be approached responsibly. Firstly, it is not a purchase for one season. Secondly, mood, performance and well-being depend on the quality and duration of sleep.

The most important criterion when choosing a mattress is your own feelings. If you are more used to sleeping on soft bases, a rigid orthopaedic mattress will not give you the comfort you want during your rest. And vice versa.

The second important rule is that in order to sleep, you must unload the spine as much as possible. This is why the sleeping area must be arranged in such a way as to prevent blood stagnation and blockage of muscles.

To understand which of the best mattresses we offer a brief excursion into the range of products that are on sale.

Spring or Foam mattresses: what is the difference?

Orthopaedic mattresses are divided into two types (spring and foam), each of which has its own features.

Foam mattresses consist of one or more layers of filler, which is distinguished by its rigidity, composition and density. The main benefit of such models is that they are constructed without metal (springs), which can store and transmit static electricity to the body. The absence of springs also eliminates squeaking sounds over time and any discomfort.

The foam mattress range includes both soft and hard models. As a rule, coconut coir is the hard filler.

Another plus is that foam mattresses have a longer service life.

Spring mattresses are available with a dependent and independent unit. The Bonnel pocket spring is made in the form of two conical springs connected to each other by special brackets with knots and a common metal frame.

Thermofelt and polyurethane foam can be used as bedding layers. The special feature of such mattresses is that when loaded on one block, the springs connected to it are automatically compressed too. Such products provide basic comfort.

Mattresses with a pocket spring "Bonnel" are featured by an affordable price and good performance. If you have a limited purchasing budget, take a look at this type of model.

The mattresses with the independent Pocket Spring unit are arranged in such a way that each spring is packed in a separate case. This makes it possible to distribute the weight locally. These mattress models have an excellent orthopaedic effect.

If you need a double mattress, look for an option with an independent unit. The load on each bed will be distributed without a 'hammock effect'.

Hard or soft mattresses: which prefer?

Sleeping on a bed that is too soft, like sleeping on a very hard base, is just as uncomfortable. When choosing the stiffness of a mattress, you cannot be guided by your friends' recommendations. This is an individual question, which depends on a number of parameters:

  • human growth;

  • health conditions;

  • weight;

  • age;

  • the recommendations of an orthopaedist;

  • rest habits.

The following degrees of mattress stiffness are distinguished:

  • soft;

  • medium-hard;

  • hard;

  • extra-hard.

Rigid and extra-rigid models are recommended by some paediatricians for babies and children under 3 years of age. But it is worth noting that it is not stiffness that is important here, but orthopaedic and anatomical effects that are important.

Most children of school and pre-school age like to sleep on beds with medium-hard mattresses. In addition, this contributes to a good posture. These surfaces are also suitable for people who lead sedentary lifestyles (office work, no physical activity, etc.).

Those whose weight does not exceed 90 kg can sleep comfortably on soft mattresses.

And if you have a higher body weight and are over 45 years old, it is advisable to choose stiff mattresses that eliminate the 'hammock effect' and provide good support for the spine. At the same time, it is better to choose a softer sleeping surface for older people.

Choose stiff mattresses if you are diagnosed with it:

  • posture disorders;

  • intervertebral hernia;

  • pains in the cervical and thoracic lumbar areas of the spine.

But only after a doctor's consultation!

How important is spinal support?

In 90% of cases, back pains are caused by an improperly organised place to sleep. Sleeping on an uneven surface is categorically contraindicated. This causes muscles to leak, worsening blood circulation and a nagging pain in the lower back. As a result, a person wakes up already tired, with a broken body and a bad mood. The ideal support for the spine is created by dividing it into 5 or 7 hardness zones.

If you and your other half turn around every night looking for a comfortable position, then it's time to get the right double mattress with independent springs and different stiffness zones.

Orthopaedic effect - what is it?

Many people are mistaken in believing that a mattress with orthopaedic effect is necessary for people with certain pathologies. In fact, such sleep accessories are used to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

An orthopaedic effect is the ability of a mattress to hold and distribute weight in such a way that the line of the spine is even during sleep. This gives you a feeling of vivacity after rest and a burst of energy - the body has enough 8 hours of sleep to fully recover.

What is an anatomical effect?

Anatomical effect is the property of a mattress to repeat the shape of the body as precisely as possible. The sleep surface adapts to the natural curves of the body, giving comfort and relaxation.

The best support for the body is provided by mattresses with memory effects. They are filled with materials that offer unique comfort parameters. These are materials such as Visco Memory, Cloud Memory, Memory Gel. They 'envelop' the body of the sleeping person, giving a high level of comfort during rest.

We choose the right mattress


So, how do you choose a mattress? We will try to understand this question in more detail, taking into account the age, weight and individual characteristics of certain groups of people.

How does the weight of the sleeper affect the choice of sleep surface?

People who are lightweight (40-60 kg) will feel comfortable on soft and medium-hard mattresses. If there are no special medical regulations, sleeping on such surfaces will bring amazing comfort and relaxation.

If a person weighs between 60-90 kg, the choice of mattress will depend on the most familiar posture. If you like to sleep on your stomach, get a mattress harder. Sleep comfortably on your side - look for a medium-hard or soft mattress.

If the sleeper weighs more than 90 kg, you need a pocket spring with an increased level of rigidity. Such a surface will prevent the spine from bending during sleep and give the maximum level of comfort. However, the age of the person is important here. If a person is over 50 years old, a stiff mattress will not work for him - it is better to buy a medium stiff one. At this age, it is important to ensure good blood circulation during sleep and rest.

How is the age of the sleeper taken into account?

Special mattresses are provided for infants and children under3 years old. Their creation takes into account the peculiarities of this age group - sleeping on such a mattress gives the child comfort and rest, and also contributes to the correct development of the spine.

From the age of 4 children begin to form an S-shaped curvature of the spine, which requires more delicate body support.

Scoliosis can develop in adolescence. As a preventive measure, a medium-hard mattress with orthopaedic effect can be bought for the child.

Between the ages of 16 and 25, the body continues to develop actively - a rigid orthopaedic mattress will help to avoid posture and health problems in general.

Individual requirements

If you are going to buy a double mattress for the bed, please refer to the following recommendations:

  1. Give preference to versions with an independent pocket spring.

  2. Determine the stiffness - it should be tired of both.

  3. Calculate the size of the mattress correctly, so that each sleeper has a space reserve of 10 cm on each side.

What kind of mattresses do you have by the type of filler?



The modern range of products for sleep is impressive – it’s difficult for an unprepared consumer to understand. So how do you choose mattresses by type of filler?

What is coconut coir?

Latexised coconut coir is a natural material that is breathable and resistant to deformation. Mattresses with this filling are hypoallergenic and do not contain insects. Products with coir retain their pleasant stiffness for a long time.

What is the specialty of orthopaedic foam?

Orthopaedic foam (Mono Foam, Orto Foam, Spring Foam, Flex Foam, Extra Foam) is an elastic and porous material with anatomical effect.

How do we work with Memory?

Mattresses with Memory effect use a special material as a filler - Visco Memory, Cloud Memory, Memory Gel. This flexible foam, which is sensitive to the slightest pressure and temperature differences, instantly takes the form of a sleeping person.

Benefits of natural latex

Sleeping on a mattress filled with latex is a pleasure. It is a natural material with excellent performance characteristics. It does not lose elasticity over time, adapts to the position of the body during sleep and gives a feeling of total relaxation.

Hard felt - what is it used for in mattress production?

Hard felt is a special material that serves as the divider between the pocket spring and the bedding layers and also controls the load on the mattress surface.

Do you still have any questions? Call the managers of the online mattress shop Come-For. Specialists will advise you on which mattress is best suited to your tasks and help you choose the best option, taking into account weight, characteristics, size and cost.


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